Wednesday 7 May 2014


Disclaimer : Contents in the blog are strictly based on my opinions and are not meant to offend anyone. You are most welcome to agree or disagree on any of the points. Also please ignore the grammar mistakes, if any.

         It was 6 in the evening and I was inside the Rajiv Chowk Metro Station. The rush was such that if you want to go in the direction of the crowd, just stand still and you will automatically reach where you want to but if you want to move in opposite direction, it is the test of your strength. The stage is similar to a rugby game.

      The two platforms on the yellow line were in front of each other. The cues on both the platforms were so big that they were crossing each other. I was waiting for the metro towards Jahangirpuri (North Delhi) in the cue. Suddenly, I saw a lady with a baby of age less than a year in her arms. It was pretty much clear that she shouldn't be here at least at this time seeing the rush. She, as a mother, could have boarded the bus or rickshaw or anything because in such kind of rush, anything can happen to the baby. I hope that she is not hoping that people will take extra care and why the hell should they. All have to reach their homes or to catch a scheduled train, etc.

          I was thinking all this and suddenly I heard the sound of the coming metro train. The door opened and the passengers de-boarded the train. And within a second, a strong push came from my back and I was automatically pushed inside the train. I immediately stood by the side of the doors. I also saw that lady with baby in her arms trying to make her way carefully through the rush but the push was inevitable. And it is not that someone wanted to but it is the crowd and you can’t blame anyone.

         When the lady somehow entered inside the train, she gave a tight slap to a person, the sound of which echoed inside the cabin. I was there only and I can bet on my bottom dollar and say that the person was innocent as I was standing there only. All the people standing inside including me were awestruck as everybody knew that the man didn't do anything. According to that lady, that person pushed her and her baby but the sheer truth was that he didn't. The person was helpless as he wasn't able to do anything. He could have but he didn't because he including me knew that if he will return the favor back to the lady then the whole crowd would have turned against him although everybody knew that who is right.

         I know that from the past few years, women have been molested by men but MADAM this doesn't mean that every man is the same. You know that the crowd or police will take your side without knowing the fact that whose fault it is. You think that you can slap anyone you want or speak to a male disgracefully, even if he is innocent. I know that according to current policies, we can’t return the favor back to you because then we will be handcuffed and the police won't even listen to us. I just want to ask you one thing. In trains, etc. there are coaches especially for women and if a man unknowingly or in a hurry enters your coach, you all start pushing him out. On the other hand, if a woman enters a general cabin, and even if all the seats are occupied, men will vacate the seats for you. Even I have stood up many-a-times for women, even if that seat was not reserved for ladies. Seeing the justice, we should not have vacated the seats for you and behave in a similar manner the way you did to that person but we do not. 

          Ask your heart, is it right? Because everyone whether a man or a woman has his own dignity and self-respect. I respect woman a lot but my only request is that every man is not a devil because at home you too have a father or a husband or a son, who are men. Think about it.

Thank You

Rishabh Bhardwaj
PGDM 2013-15