Saturday 7 December 2013


Disclaimer : Contents in the blog are strictly based on my opinions and are not meant to offend anyone. You are most welcome to agree or disagree on any of the points. Also please ignore the grammar mistakes, if any.

Don’t worry guys, there is no fire. Wait, have I said something which make you feel relaxed. If so, then that's the thing to worry about. Let’s figure it out why.

For more than 800 years, India was under the shackles of slavery. First came the Turko-Afghans, then came the Arabians, and finally the Britishers. It took India around more than 600 years to realize their self-pride and a fire of mutiny was lighted by an unsung hero Mangal Pandey. This fire of mutiny spread in whole India like a fire in forest. God also helped India by sending brave souls on earth like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh and many more. Such was the fire in them that they finally freed their motherland from alien forces.

On 15th August 1947, a new chapter began in Indian history. But wait a minute, India was only independent in terms of center of power but not at the core. After the 60 years of independence, people of India are still living under the shackles of untouchability, female foeticide, corruption, unemployment, illiteracy, poverty, etc. Let’s go a little deep.

·      Caste system is still prevalent in many parts of our country. I am Brahmin, you are Shudra. As if the people are tagged at the time of their birth that son you are a shudra and there only his destiny is written. I can bet on my bottom dollar that no one surely knows who created this differentiation but they follow it blindly (usually they blame the God and yes what else can we expect from a person with such a cheap thinking). Your only fault is to take birth in a lower caste family and you are doomed for lifetime.

·    People generally say that they need a son who will take care of them and will carry their generation forward. Mark my words guys – “Son is a son till he gets his wife, Daughter is the daughter till the end of life”. Though she is living with her husband’s family, she always takes care of her parents (exceptions do exist). And one main point is that it is a girl only who has the power to give life, not a boy.

·     Corruption has weakened the core system of India from inside like termites feed on wood. We our self are involved in corruption in some way or the other. You might have noticed that sometimes while paying for paid parking, the person does not provide the receipt and in hurry we also don’t care for it but this is also a corruption because that person won’t be paying tax on those earning. Corruption is one of the main reason why India is still a developing nation, still has unemployment, illiteracy, poverty, etc.

Let’s first determine the base of all these problems (this is what MBA teaches, analyze first). Are they actually problems or effects of a problem.  Most of these problems emanate from bad governance either directly or indirectly (and I want to make it clear that here I am not supporting any political party). It's the duty of the government to eradicate all these stigmas. Just for the heck of it, government has initiated many schemes and every year in the annual budget, our Finance Minister allots crores of rupees to these schemes but is this fund actually reaching to those who deserves it or is just adding to the black money reserves of corrupt bureaucrats.

But wait, where are we in the picture. Are we doing something good for our nation. Are we helping our countrymen in developing. A straight blunt response is NO. We are not doing anything. Yes, what we can do is to sit in a group and discuss on such issues and give conclusions or reading newspaper, having a cup of tea and commenting – “Nothing good will happen to India”. Whenever any incident happens like introduction of more than 50% FDI in retail or some scams, people throng the social media and put status giving their viewpoints. This spreads like a fad for a week or so and then people forget about it. But yes, what else can we expect from such a sleepy facebook generation.

This will not going to change anything my friends. So, if you really love your nation and wants to see it in the list of developed nation, take the broom in your hands and clean the squalor yourself. Be an IAS or IPS, join politics and become the CM or PM (and yes you can) and try to change the system. I know that many people have a bad perception about politics because of today's politicians. But my friends, Politics is not bad, instead Politics has the power to bring a complete revolution and our history vouch for that. I hope you all know about Chanakya. He was the person who with the help of politics (saam daam dand bhed) united the whole India under one great ruler, Chandragupta Maurya and saved our motherland from foreign invasions. So, it depends on the purpose for what you are playing politics.

So my friends, ignite that fire once again and fight to help India gain independence from social stigmas, corruption, etc. Show the world that the fire is still there and can erupt in volcano in no time. And friends, one last thing is that a good government can play a major role in this. So, I request you all to atleast take out some time from your busy schedule to deliver your precious vote. Vote for the party that you think is best, will bring a revolution in the country but do vote as each vote counts.

Thank You

Rishabh Bhardwaj
PGDM 2013-15